How to report an issue ?
How to report an issue ?
You have an issue in one of your dashboards and want us to investigate it. Here is what we need to help you:
The email you use on You can find it at the top right of the page.
The email where we can reach you if it differs from the email used on Catchr.
The Platform and Destination (for example, Facebook Ads and Looker Studio).
The Catchr Source ID and the account name and ID. You can find both in your Source page :

Describe your issue (give us a defined period, metrics dimensions used, and expected behavior).
For Looker Studio:
Send your information on the chat and share a Looker Studio report with edition mode at Our highly skilled expert will take a look and leave examples for you to solve or avoid the issue.
For Google Sheets:
Provide screenshots of the metrics and dimensions used, the date period, filters if any and options checked.
For PowerBI, Tableau, JSON, or CSV:
Provide the URL generated on Catchr in the API menu.
For BigQuery:
Provide the job URL and a screenshot of the Job overview page :

Missing Fields:
If you can't find a field in one of the platforms, please tell use:
Which platform (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, WooCommerce, Klaviyo, etc.)
The name of the missing field.
The platform account name (and ID, if possible).
A screenshot of this field in the platform manager with its value visible. If the field is available in the platform API, we will add it and verify that we sent the correct value if it matches your screenshot.
Updated on: 04/10/2024
Thank you!